Volunteer Roster System

To help in seeking and recording volunteers for roles at our meetings and communicating the status of volunteer positions to members the online volunteer roster has been established.

The system has two main components:

The Roster Page

The Roster page shows the volunteers who have nominated themselves for meeting roles during the current calendar year.

The Volunteer Form

The Volunteer page provides an online form for members to submit their intentions to volunteer for a role.  For security, to access the volunteer page via the website menu a password is required.  Check your Carmel Cellars emails for the password.  


Volunteers are accepted on a first come-first served basis.  Until a name is inserted in the roster, the position is available.


Once a name is in the roster, the role for that month is taken. 

Some general considerations

  • Please do volunteer via the system.  The meetings run on the generosity of members, and we would like to spread the workload around.

  • Please nominate for a role on the system before bringing Stickies, or Pudding.  We would really like to avoid a situation where a volunteer slaves over a hot oven, stove, frypan and/or blender preparing a fine dessert only to find three other dishes present and having to take theirs home.  There are many Cellars meetings each year so many opportunities to volunteer for a role.

  • The system  does not allow a nomination if the position is already filled.  So please check that the volunteer role is free for the month before nominating, or your nomination will not procede. As it is not possible to overwrite a previous nomination via the web form please advise by email if you wish to change or withdraw a nomination.

  • If you are not able to nominate via the web page you can email your nomination.  However, the nomination is not accepted until it is entered into the roster. Someone else could easily nominate for the role before your email works through the system.

  • As the Roster is visible on the internet it is advisable to use first names (Peter & Paul), or fist name and initial (e.g. MaryT) where needed.