Meeting Formats

Here are the current meeting procedures for the Carmel Cellars Group.  Our meeting processes continue to evolve as new opportunities and challenges emerge.  These descriptions are provided as a guide for new members or role volunteers rather than a set of rigid procedures.

Cellars Meeting Types



Normal Carmel Cellars Meetings take place commencing at 7:30pm in the Committee room under the church on the last Thursday of the month. The Normal Cellars Meetings are scheduled for the months of February, March, and May to November inclusive. 

Special Cellars Meetings occur for the Australia Day Public Holiday, ANZAC Day Public Holiday and during December when a Cellars Christmas gathering takes place.   The Special cellars meetings usually take place under the shade sails outside the committee room. 

The Australia Day and ANZAC Day Meetings commence at 4:00pm with members presenting their own wines followed by a BBQ dinner on Australia Day or a shared BYO meal on ANZAC Day.  The December meeting has no wine presentations and so commences at 6:00 pm with a shared BYO dinner.